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HomeFilters for Vacuum Cleaners and AccessoriesHEPA filters for vacuum cleaners

HEPA filters for vacuum cleaners

HEPA filters for vacuum cleaners.


HEPA is a standard that was initially developed for the industry. HEPA filtration is an acronym, meaning High Efficiency Particulate Air filtration. People, that have respiratory problems or allergies, should use a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter, as the HEPA filter stops better the fine dust particles, pollen and allergens. Thus, when vacuuming, the air in the room remains as clean as possible. Also, the HEPA filter prevent vacuum cleaner's motor from dirt and dust.

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PRE-Filter for vacuum cleaner PHILIPS, code P56

PRE-filter for vacuum cleaner  PHILIPS 


Price:15.36 BGN

HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner PHILIPS, code P57

HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner  PHILIPS 


Price:20.40 BGN

PRE-Filter for vacuum cleaner PHILIPS, code P58

PRE-filter for vacuum cleaner  PHILIPS 


Price:20.94 BGN

HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner PHILIPS, code P59

HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner  PHILIPS


Price:20.94 BGN

HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner PHILIPS / AEG / ELECTROLUX, code P51

HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner  PHILIPS / AEG / ELECTROLUX


Price:15.36 BGN

PRE-Filter for vacuum cleaner AEG, ELECTROLUX, code P100

PRE-filter for vacuum cleaner  AEG, ELECTROLUX, TORHADO, VOLTA 


Price:18.72 BGN

Cylinder HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner AEG , ELECTROLUX, TORNADO, VOLTA code P101

Cylinder HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner  AEG,  ELECTROLUX, TORNADO, VOLTA, PROGRESS, ALFATEC


Price:16.74 BGN

Cylinder HEPA + FOAM Filter for vacuum cleaner AEG, ELECTROLUX, TORNADO, PROGRESS, ZANUSSI code P102

Cylinder HEPA + FOAM filter for vacuum cleaner  AEG,  ELECTROLUX, TORNADO, PROGRESS, ZANUSSI


Price:25.14 BGN

Cylinder HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner AQUAVAC, ELECTROLUX, TORNADO, PROGRESS, ZANUSSI code P103

Cylinder HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner  AQUAVAC,  ELECTROLUX, TORNADO, PROGRESS,  ZANUSSI


Price:23.76 BGN

HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner ROWENTA, code P60

HEPA filter for vacuum cleaner  ROWENTA


Price:15.36 BGN
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