- Set cartridges BARRIER PROFI Osmo 4+5 stages , code V443Price:189.00 BGN
- Smells remover for refrigerator BARRIER , code V69Price:8.34 BGN
- Cartridge for fine water filter BARRIER 5 nm , code V47-40%Price:7.31 BGNList Price:
12.18 BGNdiscounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:7.31 BGNList Price:12.18 BGNDiscount:4.87 BGN (40.00%)Out of stock - Replacement cartridge Barrier ACTIVE Immunity strength, code V56Price:21.78 BGN
- Replacement cartridge Barrier Mineral , code V51Price:21.78 BGN
- Replacement cartridge Hardness , code V52Price:20.94 BGN
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