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Home Water filters and pitchers Inline filter systems and catridges BARRIER Set cartridges BARRIER PROFI Osmo 4+5 stages , code V443

Set cartridges BARRIER PROFI Osmo 4+5 stages , code V443

Price: 189.00 BGN
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    1.000 Kgs

Set of cartridges BARRIER PROFI OSMO - 4th + 5th stages


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Set of 4th + 5th stages of filtration with different action:

4. Reverse osmosis membrane (OSMO 100) with pores of 0.0001 microns.

5. Finecarbon filter (Postfilter) with high-quality granular activated carbon, treated with silver, removes unpleasant odors, improves the taste of water.